All my life, trouble has followed me.
I’ve been chasing round a memory. I’ve been getting lost searching for my soul. I took a wrong turn at growing up. And now I pay
Tag Archives: script
Missy’s latest film, LSD (standing for Love, Sex and Divorce), provides an incredible insight into what is truly important to this fabulous filmmaker. Through weaving words, she explores notions of identity, independence, curiosity, individuality and purpose.
This ‘short’ feedback is intended to show how I interpreted the film (meaning), whether I personally enjoyed the film or not (value), and how the film made me feel (impact).
There has been so many words, written by educated people with far more experience than I, on the subject of love. I can hardly add more than my narrow minded white British male opinion. But somehow I feel compelled to give it, so here it is – ‘Love’ is a noun to describe a suite of emotions. A scale. I look upon it like the word ‘Colour’; on its own it is meaningless. The word can describe anything from ‘like’, to ‘obsession’.
You write such perfect erotica Missy. This story benefits from being presented as a true story. It shocks and provokes. It arouses and challenges. In short a masterpiece.
Project producer Alan Rogers breaks down the script of Missy Jubilee’s 194th film ‘Dirty Little Secrets’
The script breakdown by Alan Rogers in London. Alan is a producer and studio script supervisor for ‘The Future Sex Love Art Projekt’