A film about lines on a page

Lines on the road

Lines on a mirror

Lines on a map

Just lines

I told Alejandro he shouldn’t call me anymore

because it isn’t good for him

He is now in a Babylon of his own making

and needs to figure it out for himself


The veil is thin today

I can smell the estrogen

in the perfumed air

A man offered me sex tonight

He was beautiful.

I said thanks for the offer

But I can’t

My mind is somewhere else

I want to see clearly

I can’t afford to be distracted by a body.

Esoterica is the archetype of sexual distraction

The sex solution,

what is it made of,

what is the motive if it isn’t a form of emotional alchemy

aimed at peace

People can speak the same language

and be completely misunderstood

The words will always be interpreted

by the demands of the situation

rather than what the speaker is saying

Other people

define both our memories

and sense of self

But what is wrong

Something is wrong

It must be

There is something better

One more thing

And there will be harmony

This is what you are doing wrong said Alejandro

You need to be more yourself

Be adaptive

Embrace change

It will all make sense in the next life

It’s easier to lie to some people

than others

A sweet soft mouth

can tell the most convincing of lies

Give them what they need

based on what the fuck

they think they are missing out on

But pussy isn’t a person

It is a hole for things to go in

and come out of

Just a hole

How can a hole be so full of meaning

and trouble

Just a bunch of neural pathways

with the amygdala all lit up

like the Botanical Gardens at


It is the prettiest ugly thing I have ever seen

Missy Jubilee

Kyev | Ukraine.

25th November 2022